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7 Things Along With Exercising That You Can Do At Your Work Desk To Look Perfect On Your Wedding Day

A working woman can sometimes find it very difficult to make time for workout, rejuvenation and detox before her wedding day. Hectic work schedules along with untimely and unhealthy eating habits can leave her face looking tired and add some extra pounds on her figure too. So what is the plan of action that she needs to follow to take care of herself and her skin?

Here are 7 simple and easy-to-follow routines that she can incorporate in her daily schedule and at her work desk to look like a perfect bride on her big day.

1. Read up all online wedding portals

Online wedding portals such as ours, gives you a complete guide on ‘’how to’’, ‘’what to’’, ‘’what not to’’ and ‘’where to’’ for all your wedding needs. The right diet plans, home treatments, to-do lists, relationship tips while forming new ones especially with your in-laws etc., you will soon become a champ at it all!

2. Do desk exercises

Go on to YouTube and search for desk exercises. You will come across hundreds of videos illustrating simple yet effective workouts that you can do while sitting. Exercises for your back, your calves, your arms and many more! Why not utilise that time to get into shape, right?

3. Detox and hydrate

Ever heard of detox water? It’s a magical drink you can make at home and consume the entire day. You need to add citrus fruits like lemons, watermelon, mint leaves, pomegranates or cucumber; depending upon what all you like in a bottle and fill it up with water. Keep it in the refrigerator throughout the night and take it to work next morning. Consume this water the entire day and see your skin shine and glow spotless in just about a month. Also, drink loads of water, you know why!

4. Get that diamond white shine

While you are at it, why not do something for your teeth as well, right? Homemade DIY packs for teeth whitening can be put on the teeth while at work. No one will realise you have something on too and in the meanwhile, your teeth get brighter!

5. Get the right posture to look taller and sharper

If you have a job where you need to sit at your work station for a major part of the day, you should start by sitting straight without hunching your back. This makes you look taller, more confident and gives you the correct posture even when you stand or walk. It sounds like an easy job but it isn’t. You have to make a conscious effort to keep reminding yourself to sit straight!

6. Get silky smooth hands and feet

We do a lot for our face but usually forget to care much about our hands and feet. Mostly this is so because we don’t get a lot of time. So invest in good hand and foot cream and apply it at least 3-4 times a day. Keeping it at your desk will remind you to apply it on as well! Not only will your hands and feet look moisturised, but will their aging process will also so get delayed!

7. Yoga

The perfect body, the perfect glow, the perfect body posture and a positive and refreshed mind; this all that a few minutes of yoga can do to you and your body! We don’t mean that you need to start doing Suryanamaskars in the middle of your meeting, but just some breathing exercises, hand and leg stretches along with a little meditation when you are absolutely free is all that you need to do.

A little conscious effort is all you need to look prettier than you already are on the most special day of your life. And if there are some more things that you too did before yours feel free to share it with all the other brides that are about to tie the knot soon!

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