1. You’re eating less, but still picking unhealthy foods.
If you consume fewer calories than you expend, it’s definitely possible to lose about 10 percent of your total body weight through dieting alone. But if you want to lose more, you can’t just keep cutting calories. You have to change the type of food you eat. Focusing more on the quality of calories versus the quantity. Foods digest differently in our body—some slower, some more quickly. Sugary foods digest quickly, leaving you hungry sooner than later, versus foods rich in fiber. Fiber-rich foods, like fruits, veggies, 100 percent whole grains, and legumes, help promote satiety and can be an easy weight loss tool.
2. You’re not keeping track of what you’re eating. It’s human nature to judge ourselves favorably, dismissing or underestimating our bad decisions and emphasizing our good ones. 3. You’re not eating enough plant-based protein. Generally speaking, protein has benefits: It fills you up (which means you’ll eat less food over time) and also helps you build muscle, skin, and healthy bones. But when it comes to weight loss, not all protein is created equal. But, over-consuming animal protein—and the fat that typically comes with it—because too much can lead to weight gain and other health problems like diabetes. 4. You’re not eating whole foods. If you’re blowing off diets focused on eating whole, clean foods you might want to reconsider. Nutrition experts have known for a long time that diets full of whole foods, like fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein, are associated with better weight-loss results than those packed with processed foods (like cereal, crackers, and prepackaged meals). 5. Your cardio isn’t intense enough. Remember the info about quality and quantity of calories above? The same applies to exercise, focusing on intensity versus duration when you’re trying to lose weight by incorporating exercise.If you want to walk for weight loss, you would have to walk 10 to 12 miles per day. Walking one or two miles, like so many people do, is good for you in a million ways—but weight loss isn’t one of them. 6. You’re not sleeping well. Working the night shift also puts you at a major disadvantage. The disruption to your circadian rhythm can lead to weight gain—and switching back and forth between night and day shifts, like many people do in order to spend more time with family, is the worst of all. It’s just nonstop disruption to an otherwise healthy, normal sleep-wake pattern. 7. You’re eating too often. There was a time when eating frequent, small portions of food throughout the day was promoted as a way to lose weight, but science is beginning to show that intermittent fasting might lead to better results. Getting the right amount of calories in a short period of time followed by a longer period of time where you get little to no calories can be more beneficial to your health than eating all day long (even if it’s small, healthy meals or snacks).However, you need to be very cautious with Intermittent Fasting as a whole as it can keep your body deprived of essential nutrition in the long term.